Get more VAT back

You have a cash flow opportunity waiting for you.

All companies understate VAT claims

VAT Recovery specialise in identifying missed VAT, improving cash flow and profitability for clients

Overpayment of VAT has been identified at every client we have reviewed in our 25 years in service

What’s more is that VAT overpayments and under-claims are found in the company archives.

Unwittingly companies are often sitting on a windfall of claimable VAT.

Our Promise To You

Claimable VAT opportunities can be missed even when using advanced accounting systems and controls

Why Us?

VAT Recovery reviews organisations accounting transactions through a uniquely developed process that focuses on ensuring that all VAT is recorded correctly, thereby identifying VAT that is still claimable – improving cashflow and profitablility.

Management, accountants and auditors are unaware of the hidden opportunity in unclaimed VAT.  We complement your financial team’s efforts in recovering all unclaimed VAT

Isn’t it time that you made VAT less of an expense to your company? We can help you!

Our Process

1. Sign Service Level Agreement

The VAT Recovery Service Level Agreement(contract) to be signed by both the client and VAT Recovery

2. Download the General Ledger

Client to send an electronic download of the entire General Ledger to VAT Recovery

3. Feedback

VAT Recovery will provide feedback within six weeks of receiving the information required to complete the review

4. Client claims VAT from Revenue Authority

VAT claims identified are to be recovered from the Revenue Authorities by the client with the assistance of VAT Recovery if required


We have found unclaimed VAT at every company we have reviewed.

The process usually takes six weeks depending on the volume of transactions which need to be processed.

VAT Recovery is based in the United Kingdom, with offices in South Africa but can service clients throughout the world.

  • Agree to the review and sign the contract
  • Provide a download of the General Ledger
  • Review findings with the VAT Recovery Team
  • Recover VAT

No. There is no risk to any company requesting a VAT Review. VAT Recovery will put in the effort for the review.  There are however enormous cash flow benefits in recovering VAT as well as the ability to ensure that your company is VAT compliant.

This varies as countries have different criteria – for example the United Kingdom allows companies 4 years to correct VAT claims, while in South Africa, companies have 5 years to recover VAT missed when processing transactions.

We have been recovering VAT for clients for over 25 years.

The VAT Recovery review is a fully comprehensive review of the accounting records designed to ensure that the treatment of VAT in the recording of every transaction is correct.

What our clients have to say

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About Us

For over 25 years, VAT Recovery has assisted numerous companies recover unclaimed VAT inadvertently missed in the processing of accounting transactions.

Specialised programmes have been meticulously developed to identify all situations where VAT has not been accounted for correctly.  A dedicated team of highly qualified professionals is in place to ensure all unclaimed VAT is identified and recovered.  VAT Recovery’s highly technical and detailed review is unique and has positioned the company as a leader in this field of expertise.

The Team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Barry Kelly


Dave Ramsden

Marketing Director

Andrew Kelly

Technical Director

Clive Stayne

Managing Director SA

Let us find cash in your archives

United Kingdom
South Africa

Get in touch

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VAT overpayments are generally found in prior year accounts which have been archived and thus have effectively been abandoned as having no further value.

Reviews have been performed for all sizes of businesses ranging from large multinationals to SMEs and covering all business sectors.

Large Companies with in-house tax departments have found the VAT Recovery review  extremely useful in assisting them to ensure that VAT is not overpaid and enables them to implement controls to reduce the future occurrence of VAT errors.

Companies do not conduct this type of detailed VAT review as it is extremely complicated and time consuming.  The number of errors found is normally very a small percentage of the transactions reviewed but can amount to a substantial claim.

The VAT Recovery review is more often than not seen by satisfied clients as a great learning curve in addition to the immediate and ongoing financial benefits it provides.

VAT Recovery identifies transactions where VAT has been incorrectly or inadequately processed.  VAT not claimed correctly has the effect of increasing the expenses of the company and unnecessarily reducing profitability.

VAT Recovery works on a contingency basis. No fees will be charged if no savings are identified.