VAT overpayments are generally found in prior year accounts which have been archived and thus have effectively been abandoned as having no further value.

Reviews have been performed for all sizes of businesses ranging from large multinationals to SMEs and covering all business sectors.

Large Companies with in-house tax departments have found the VAT Recovery review  extremely useful in assisting them to ensure that VAT is not overpaid and enables them to implement controls to reduce the future occurrence of VAT errors.

Companies do not conduct this type of detailed VAT review as it is extremely complicated and time consuming.  The number of errors found is normally very a small percentage of the transactions reviewed but can amount to a substantial claim.

The VAT Recovery review is more often than not seen by satisfied clients as a great learning curve in addition to the immediate and ongoing financial benefits it provides.

VAT Recovery identifies transactions where VAT has been incorrectly or inadequately processed.  VAT not claimed correctly has the effect of increasing the expenses of the company and unnecessarily reducing profitability.

VAT Recovery works on a contingency basis. No fees will be charged if no savings are identified.